The Aces originated as a school-sponsored sports team in 2006 and became available to middle school and high school-age youths from surrounding communities in 2011. The team currently includes both young ladies and gentleman, and competes against shooting clubs and individual shooters from all over the nation!
This is an individual and team sport, so you can win both ways. We want the shooting to be as fun and positive as possible. The rules and bylaws have been made so everyone is aware of the team’s expectations.
Section 1- Administrative Bylaws
1.0 General
1.1 MGATT Fiscal Year is September 1 to August 31.
1.2 For budgeting purposes all new members added after October 1st will
not be guaranteed fundraising opportunities.
1.3 All levels of membership shall be due in full by the Thursday
(generally this is a practice day) before the Fundraiser Raffle starts.
2.0 Board and Board Conduct
2.1 The term of any future elected board member is three years. This
provides for a regular opportunity for others to participate in this
capacity. Once any election has been held the board will decide on the
positions therein. In the event there is an opening during a term of
office the board shall appoint someone to fill the office for that said
position with regular election to follow at end of fiscal year for balance
of term.
2.2 Members of the board cannot be Head Coach or Assistant Coach and
positions are as follows;
2.2.1 President
2.2.2 Vice President
2.2.3 Secretary
2.2.4 Treasurer
2.2.5 Trustee
2.3 Board meetings will be held the second Thursday of every month at
7:00 p.m. at the KVS Club. Special called meetings will be held as the
need arises.
2.4 Monthly reports by the board will be given.
2.4.1 Included will be the treasurer’s report in detail.
2.5 SEE ADDENDUM A (MGATT Board Regulations)
Section 2- Youth Shooter Rules and Regulations
1.0 General
1.1 The number of shoots and practices that the club provides will be
based on the level of membership selected.
2.0 Dress Code and Equipment
2.1 The following uniform is required at every competition:
2.1.1 Blue Team Shirts.
2.1.2 Nice jeans or shorts (shorts must meet normal school dress
2.1.3 Team Hat is preferred.
2.2 Gun- Loaner guns are available for new shooters on a limited basis.
Returning shooters are entitled to a team firearm, so long as new
shooters are equipped first.
2.3 Shells- Always have 2-4 extra shells in your pouch or vest.
2.4 Cell Phones- Phone off or on silent when on the shooting line at
competitions or practice, unless the phone is used for music. If used
for music, please utilize Airplane mode, Do Not Disturb, or other
similar mode that will not allow calls or messages.
3.0 General Trap Field Safety- SAFETY FIRST!
3.1 Safety Glasses
3.2 Noise-reducing ear plugs or muffs (common ear buds are not intended
for hearing protection.)
3.3 Always assume every firearm is loaded.
3.4 Chambers open at all times at the line until it is your time to shoot.
Over/Unders, Single Barrel broke open, semi-autos and pump action
breach clearly open.
3.5 Gun pointed straight up or down.
3.6 Always be sure of your target and beyond.
3.7 Always use the correct ammo.
3.8 Completed Hunter’s Safety Course.
3.9 Must have a valid FOID card.
3.10 Must abide by all safety regulations of the governing body for each
4.0 Attitude
4.1 Absolutely no cursing, bragging, or bad attitudes.
4.2 No horse playing.
4.3 Be respectful to all other shooters, coaches, and others involved in
the shoot that day.
4.4 Good sportsmanship and conduct are expected.
5.0 Averages and Placements
5.1 Shooters will be squadded based on organizational rules of the given
event being shot.
5.1.1 ATA Rulebook & Bylaws will govern, unless the event is
otherwise governed.
5.2 Any ties in averages will be determined by the number of registered
birds shot.
6.0 Rules of Properly Handling Firearms at the Firing Line
6.1 Chamber is opened.
6.2 Shell placed only in chamber when the person to left (preceding
station) has shot.
6.3 Close chamber.
6.4 Think POSITIVE, take a deep breath, let it out slowly.
6.5 Shoot.
6.6 Properly eject your spent shell, placing it in a spent shell pouch or bin.
Utilize shell catchers as necessary for autoloaders. Do not throw, toss,
or otherwise mishandle your spent shell in any fashion, especially in a
manner that will distract other shooters or cause a target to be
6.7 No talking at the line, if you have a problem with your gun, you stay at
score keeper you have a problem with your gun and you need your
coach. Do not let any shooting start until the problem is fixed. Be
sure to keep the barrel pointed toward the trap house or ground.
6.8 Do not move from your post until the squad leader (this is the person
who starts at the first post) tells you to after the score keeper has
announced each score, in case there is confusion on any of the
shooter’s scores. If you notice a bird being hit and the scorekeeper calls it a “lost bird,” turn around at that time and discuss it with the
6.9 Live birds or any other animals are not to be shot or killed in any way
or at any time during practice or competition.
Section 3 – Fundraising, Expenses, Volunteering, and Membership
1.0 General
1.1 The Shooting teams’ expenses are covered primarily by membership
1.2 Fundraising and sponsors help offset additional costs and subsidize
1.3 We expect parents and team members to help in as many fundraisers
as possible.
1.4 We ask that each family be willing to donate 8 hrs. of time for various
fundraisers or find their willing replacement. This would include
working and setting up for practices.
1.5 We ask that parents plan on attending at least one of the various
banquets that support us as a team. Examples are Friends of the NRA,
Quails forever, Whitetails Unlimited and several others. Please be
prepared to let us know which banquets you will be attending and the
volunteer coverage that you will offer. Also, we need to know which
gun show you wish to work to help the fundraising.
1.6 Fundraising and membership are Non-Refundable. Team members
will not be allowed to make up any missed shoots or practices
2.0 Membership Levels and Ticket Disbursement
2.1 Bronze – (60 raffle tickets subsidizes this cost)
2.1.1 6 singles events (600 targets)
2.1.2 Practice & Shells
2.2 Silver – (105 tickets subsidizes this cost)
2.2.1 Singles events totally 1700 targets
2.2.2 Practice & Shells
2.3 Gold – (165 tickets subsidizes this cost)
2.3.1 Silver package + 1100 additional targets (shooters choice:
2.4 Platinum – (225 tickets subsidizes this cost)
2.4.1 Silver package + 2200 additional targets (HDCP and DBLS)
2.5 Statements will be sent out via email, text, or regular mail beginning
October 1 till February 1, with any balance remaining due in full by the
Thursday (generally this is a practice day) before the Fundraiser
Raffle starts. Practices will run from mid-March until the Grand
American in August. There will be a team practice on Thursday nights
with no make-up practices on Friday.
2.6 Ticket disbursement to team members will be limited to the following;
2.6.1 Initial disbursement will be the quantity of tickets equal to
those required for Bronze level (60 tickets as of 2024).
2.6.2 Once 80% (48 tickets) of those original 60 are sold, a second
disbursement shall occur up to the quantity of tickets
required for Silver Level (105 tickets as of 2024).
2.6.3 Once 80% (84 tickets) of those 105 are sold, a third
disbursement shall occur up to the quantity of tickets
required for Gold Level (165 tickets as of 2024).
2.6.4 Once 80% (132 tickets) of those 165 are sold, a third
disbursement shall occur up to the quantity of tickets
required for Platinum Level (225 tickets as of 2024).
2.7 Additional tickets will be provided, if available, to attendees of gun
shows or special events so that they may sell any tickets possible, but
unsold tickets will be returned at the end of the show. I.e. the member
may not retain the additional tickets if they have not reached the
appropriate 80% threshold required.
2.8 This is an individual and team sport, so members may win in both
ways. We want the shooting to be as much fun and be as positive as
possible. These rules have been prepared so everyone is aware of how
the team works and what is expected of each team member and
Addendum A
1.0 General
1.1 Board of Directors
1.1.1 Treasurer
1.1.2 Vice President
1.1.3 President
1.1.4 Secretary
1.1.5 Trustee
1.2 Board Elections and Rules
1.2.1 First Board elected by team parents. Board elected members for office. Board Officers drew lots for initial terms of service. Term of Service for First (Initial) Board were
staggered to ensure future boards maintained
experience while electing new members with fresh
ideas. In the event there is an opening during the
course of a term of office, the board shall appoint
someone to fill the office for that said position with
regular election to follow at the end of season for
balance of term.
1.2.2 Subsequent boards will be elected by existing shooting
families who have at least one full season with MGATT and
the current Board of Directors. The election will be held at the final meeting of the team fiscal year (August Meeting.) *Trap families who also serve on the Board of
Directors will only be allowed one vote. * Additionally, existing team personnel/families
serving as one of the following positions will be
allowed to vote in Board of Directors elections, in
the event they do not already qualify to vote as a
Trap Family; Head Coach Shoot Coordinator To be nominated for the Board of Directors
election, the nominee, the spouse of, or a family
member of the nominee must be present for
acceptance of said nomination. New Board Member Terms of Service shall be 3 years. Board will elect officers (positions) each year following new elections.
1.2.3 President shall run all meetings using Robert’s Rules of Order.
1.2.4 In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall run
meetings and conduct the business of the President.
1.2.5 The Secretary shall document all meeting minutes and
present a report at monthly meetings.
1.2.6 The Treasurer shall ensure all bill are paid; deposits made,
and keep an accurate record of all expenditures. No check may be requested without two signatures from authorized members. All expenditures are to be listed as single line items.
1.2.7 The Trustee shall oversee the Treasurer and manage those
responsibilities in the absence of the Treasurer.
1.2.8 The entire Board, along with their appointed designee, will
be authorized on the bank account and to sign the two-party
1.2.9 The board may vendor out some jobs as needed. Examples
are tickets, flyers, etc. Members are welcome to print the
flyers and other club material at their own expense if they so
1.2.10 The vice president position is the one that is assigned the
responsibility of the legalities of the club incorporation and
other documents that require a person’s SS# to be tied to
said account in addition to the business name. If positions change and the same member is still on the board and they
have no objections if they remain on it even if they are not
the VP then that will be at their discretion.
Members of the board cannot be Head Coach or Assistant Coach.
- Board of Directors
- Ron Deedrick – President
- Becky Criner – Secretary
- Garrett Blankenship – Treasurer
- Curt Bach – Trustee
- Jason VonHatten – Trustee
- Coaching Staff
- John Kortte – Head Coach
- Dave Harnetiaux – Head Coach
- Dustin Lawler – Assistant Coach
- John Beckmeier – Assistant Coach